For Drivers

Create your profile:

Are you making the money that you were promised?
Since you are on our website, probably not, but do not worry; we are here to fix that.
What makes IPL Equipment Recruiting different than other recruiting agencies that gave you the poor-quality job you currently have:


We only promise what we can provide, and it turns out that is enough to earn the trust of thousands of drivers.

Tailored Opportunities

With our tailored customer service approach, we don't just find you any job; we find you the right job. We listen to your preferences and needs and find the job that fits the same.

Best Pay

You probably heard before that "the market changed" & "next week will be better." Well, the market did not change, and the next week is this week. Get paid what the market is actually paying.

Ongoing Support

Our commitment to your success doesn't end once you're placed in a position. We provide continuous support throughout your journey with IPL.

Referral Program

Boost your earnings even further with our referral program. Recommend IPL Equipment to fellow drivers, and when they join, you'll receive a $100 bonus as a token of our appreciation.